dotMagis Editor

Lent Is Coming

Ash Wednesday is February 22, 2023, so today we’re highlighting just a few of the many Ignatian-inspired features designed to help you observe Lent. An Ignatian Prayer Adventure Join in an...

Seeing with the Heart: A Webinar with Kevin O’Brien, SJ

The Ignatian tradition offers valuable resources to those seeking meaning and purpose in today’s world. Whether we are steeped in a religious tradition or uncertain about where we fit...

Letting Go Through Prayer

Paul Mitchell, author of The Examen Book, looks at prayer as a way of letting go. In this Pop-Up Prayer interview, he also says that his time of centering...

Ruts in Prayer Life

Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ, talks about how to get out of a rut in our prayer life by stretching ourselves through different prayer practices. This is an episode of...

Praying Through Pain: A Webinar with Barbara Lee

It can be difficult to pray during times of suffering. Words simply may not come, and God may seem distant. Join award-winning author Barbara Lee for a webinar that...

Emotions in Prayer

Vinita Hampton Wright, author of Small Simple Ways: An Ignatian Daybook for Healthy Spiritual Living, talks about the role of emotions in prayer in an episode of Pop-Up Prayer....