dotMagis Editor

Being Real in Prayer

Fr. Kevin O’Brien, SJ, tells us that God wants us to be real in prayer. In this episode of Pop-Up Prayer, O’Brien reminds us to bring our mess and...

Brian Grogan, SJ, on Pedro Arrupe, SJ

Congratulations to Brian Grogan, SJ, for winning an Independent Press Award and an Illumination Book Awards Gold Medal for his biography of Pedro Arrupe, SJ. Fr. Grogan speaks about his...

Lenten Read-Along: For You

Enjoy this video interpretation of “For You,” an excerpt from Gregory Boyle’s Forgive Everyone Everything. This is the final post for this year’s Lenten read-along. Share your thoughts about this...

Lenten Read-Along: We Happen to Be God’s Joy

Ponder Fabian Debora’s art paired with quotes from Forgive Everyone Everything by Gregory Boyle, SJ. Participating in our Lenten read-along of Forgive Everyone Everything? Share your thoughts about this week’s reading in...

Lenten Read-Along: Fullness

“Perhaps we should all marinate in the intimacy of God.” This line comes from “Fullness” in Gregory Boyle’s Forgive Everyone Everything. Enjoy the full excerpt in the video below. Participating...

Lenten Read-Along: Nobility

“The hard part is embracing our inner nobility, beauty, and goodness.” This line comes from “Nobility” in Gregory Boyle’s Forgive Everyone Everything. Enjoy the full excerpt in the video...