dotMagis Editor

Kevin O’Brien, SJ, on the Two Standards

A key meditation of the Spiritual Exercises is the meditation on the Two Standards. At this point in the Exercises we've reckoned with both our hopes and our failings;...

Kevin O’Brien, SJ, on the Call of Christ the King

One of the central meditations of the Spiritual Exercises is the Call of Christ the King. Imagine a call from an earthly leader who has inspired us, and then imagine...

The God of My Beginning and End

Another prayer from The Ignatian Adventure by Kevin O'Brien, SJ. This time it is by Karl Rahner, SJ . I should like to speak with you, my God, and yet what...

Grace Requires Effort

Something to think about | The infinite vistas of the Kingdom of God that open up before man are not presented as ways for man to escape his lot,...

Everything Is Changed

Something to think about | When a man feels condemned, his creativity and his power to love, his joy in life as well as his sense of wholeness are...

Christ Stumbles through Our Streets

Something to think about | I hold that every poor man, every vagrant, every beggar is Christ carrying his cross. And as Christ, we must love and help him....