For the Second Week of Advent, writer and theologian Tim Muldoon shares his thoughts about waiting. This reflection originally appeared as the dotMagis post “Waiting.”
Welcome to Advent! In this seasonal reflection, Joe Paprocki shares what Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young have to do with Advent and gratitude.
Paprocki is the National Consultant for Faith...
This Advent, enjoy our upcoming video reflection series. Each Sunday, starting December 2, 2012, we'll post a video reflection to help you in your spiritual journey. Reflections will be...
Yesterday Becky Eldredge, author and speaker, shared her experience with the Examen. Today she and Paul Campbell, SJ, outline the steps of how to pray this popular prayer.
The final contemplation of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius is the Contemplation on Divine Love, or the Contemplation on the Love of God. It captures all of the...