Catholic Mom Lisa Hendey recently interviewed author Chris Lowney about his new book, Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads. In talking about the leadership style that...
Loyola University Chicago is celebrating Ignatian Heritage Month. In addition to on-campus events, the celebration includes an online video series, 30 Days of Iggy. Each day in November, staff...
"Everything in God's universe is present-tense. Divine love transcends time and place. So it's never really too late to pray for a person or to express love to that...
What would you hear if you sat in silence? That's the question that Margaret Felice considers in the below video. This reflection originally appeared as the post “Listening to...
We've arrived at the Feast of St. Ignatius Loyola. To mark the day, we're sharing some of our favorite submissions from this week's Find Your Inner Iggy celebration.
The truth...