dotMagis Editor

Nudge Our Image of God

Greg Boyle, SJ, shares some thoughts for the day. He says, “What we need to do is nudge our image of God to something larger, more spacious.”

What’s Difficult Is the Follow-Through

The thing is, it’s easy to imagine yourself doing great works of mercy. It’s easy to have good intentions. What’s difficult is the follow-through, because God didn’t challenge us...

Snow Art and Indifference

As many of us deal with the effects of snow and frigid temperatures, here’s a video of British artist Simon Beck’s snow art to help us appreciate the beauty...

Patron Saint for Business People

Chris Lowney, author of Pope Francis: Why He Leads the Way He Leads, suggests that the recently canonized Peter Faber would be a good patron saint of business. He...

On Spiritual Experiences

Brendan Busse, SJ, received a note from one of his students asking about the role of dramatic spiritual experiences in belief. Here’s one excerpt from Busse’s thoughtful reply (which...

Pope Francis at the Church of the Gesù

“Authentic faith always implies a profound desire to change the world. Here is the question we should ask ourselves: do we also have great visions and dash? Are we...