In his video series, 10 Things to Know about Jesus, James Martin, SJ, reminds us that Jesus had friends. That’s something to keep in mind when we pray to...
The Church celebrates the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary today. On this occasion, we listen to the words of Pope Francis on Mary, “this icon...
CNN’s Belief blog carried an article by Matt Emerson on “Why the Jesuits (Including Pope Francis) Are on the Frontlines of Faith.” It’s a good overview of the relevance...
Pray as You Go has released the latest in a series of imaginative contemplation exercises. Pray with the story of Jesus walking on water with this 15-minute guided reflection.
Recall the last time you had a heart-to-heart conversation with a friend. It required the letting down of guards, and it probably involved the discussion of matters that were...