dotMagis Editor

Prayers for Teachers

With the new school year starting, we thank all teachers for their work on behalf of students of all ages. Today we highlight three prayers for educators. A Teacher’s...

The Sunday Website

Saint Louis University’s Sunday Website provides resources for preparing for weekly Mass and better understanding the readings. One of the reflections for yesterday takes up the question, “Does God...

The Measure of Our Schools

Chris Lowney wonders about “The Real Measure of Our Schools” in an article for the Jesuit Networking blog. He asks: “Who are our students becoming? How successful are our...

Sweat and Tiredness

Each Sunday we ask our Facebook community, “Where have you found God this weekend?” The submissions are often very thoughtful, such this one from Cassi O.: In the heat of...

Going to the Movies with God

The Apostleship of Prayer uses the idea of a trip to the movies to explain the Examen to children in this fun presentation. For more on praying the Examen with...

Ignatian Spirituality Project

We’ve highlighted the Ignatian Spirituality Project before on this blog. ISP offers retreats to those who are homeless in cities across the United States. Learn more about their mission...