dotMagis Editor

What Is the Pope’s Secret?

The Jesuits in Britain produced the below video, asking the secret to Pope Francis and how he inspires people. The answer lies in three of his regular topics: Invitation to...

Soap-Bubble Christians

In yesterday’s morning homily, Pope Francis spoke on the theme of vanity. In one notable section, he asked: “How many Christians live for appearances? Their life seems like a...

Success in God’s Terms

William Barry, SJ, writes for the Ignatian Volunteer Corps: If we look honestly at the history of the world God is creating, we would have to say that God has...

Video Ad Illustrates Ignatian Principles

This video is an ad for a Thai insurance company. But the story it tells is an example of a man who is generous, serves others, and gives without...

An Ignatian Book of Days

Jim Manney’s latest book is an invitation to clearly see, feel, and experience God’s presence through an Ignatian lens in our daily lives. The only 365-daily reading book written...

One Minute on the Examen

The Examen is always a popular subject here on dotMagis, and today we share a one-minute video produced by Jesuits that introduces the prayer form.