Gretchen Crowder

Gretchen Crowder has served as a campus minister and Ignatian educator for the Jesuit Dallas community for the last 15 years. She is also a freelance writer and speaker and is the host of Loved As You Are: An Ignatian Podcast. She has a B.S. in mathematics and a M.Ed. from the University of Notre Dame as well as an M.T.S. from the University of Dallas. She resides in Dallas, TX, with her husband, three boys, and an ever-growing number of pets.

The Small Rectangle

Before school let out for the summer, a few colleagues and I gathered for a mini-retreat to close out the year. At the beginning of the retreat, our director...

Three Goals to Realize Pedro Arrupe’s Vision

Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re hosting 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. In addition to the calendar of Ignatian articles found here, posts on...

Tricky Grief

A friend of mine once told me that grief is tricky. It envelops us in emotion when we expect it, like on birthdays and anniversaries. But it also tends...

The Voice of Fear and Agere Contra

Recently, I’ve reached a new stage of discernment: the time right after the decision has been made but no action has been taken yet. I have already completed all...

Coming Down from the Mountain of Retreat

Over spring break, I was given the gift of attending the Jesuits of the U.S. Central and Southern Province’s second annual women’s retreat. This retreat was formed in response...

Healthy Friendship with Jesus

Have you ever wondered if your friendship with Jesus is a healthy one? I’m not sure if I ever considered this particular question before. Of course, I’ve considered many times...