“Now bless thyself: thou met’st with things dying, I with things newborn.”
—William Shakespeare, The Winter’s Tale
With every new beginning, we look back over “things dying.” We look forward to “things newborn” and we hear those first three words, ringing out an invitation to us to bless ourselves, and allow ourselves to be blessed.
Can we believe that God blesses all that is past? All of the last dying year? The projects, the relationships, the successes, the failures? Can we then turn to receive the blessing of all that will come to birth in the year ahead and in all our years to come?
It is a sacred moment to be present to either a birth or a death. At the turning of the year we are present to both at the same time. A double blessing.
Remember any dyings or birthings that you have known, whatever form they may have taken. Hold them in your heart and receive God’s blessing upon them.
—Excerpt by Margaret Silf from Daily Inspiration for Women