HomeRetreatsAscending with Ignatius

Ascending with Ignatius

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Father Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, will be leading a 30-day at-home retreat: Ascending with Ignatius. The retreat runs April 25 through May 24, 2020. Thibodeaux is the author of books including Reimagining the Ignatian Examen (also available as an ebook, audiobook, and in Spanish) and the upcoming Ignatian Discernment of Spirits in Spiritual Direction and Pastoral Care.

He introduces the retreat here:

Access the retreat through the Holy Name of Jesus Church (New Orleans) website, and click on “At-Home Daily Retreat.” There is no registration required for this retreat.


  1. Dear Fr. Mark,
    Thank you so much for this wonderful retreat. I finished yesterday. I will pray for you and hope you will have other wonderful videos and great spirituality to share in the near future. Eileen

  2. Fr. Mark, I am not what you would call a ‘dog lover’ but your story about the dogs you met on your run reminded me of a resident dog at Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh, WI where I retreat a couple of time a year. I got there one time a bit early. Fr. Richard McKaslin and Sr. Marie Schwan, along with ‘Jessie’ (all of fond memory) welcomed me in the foyer. Jessie was willing to lay there and let anyone love him as long as you cared to do so, and I did so while exchanging pleasantries with Father and Sister. After some time at this, I was prompted to ask myself (and I think I asked it out loud) why I won’t let God love me like Jessie allowed me to love him. I have yet to come up with an answer I like.

    I completed the series and am now going through it again. It’s wonderful

  3. Hello Fr. Thibodeaux,
    I’m enjoying your retreat, “Ascending with Ignatius,” very much. I am a day behind, and can’t seem to view Days 9 or 10, which should be today, if I calculated correctly. Any suggestions on what to do?
    Thanks and God bless you!

  4. I just finished praying with day 8. I love the little human stories you post, which makes the Scripture more relevant. I especially related to the one today about your experience in Galveston with the inner tube. I grew up going every summer at least once during the summer to Galveston and yes we had the big and small inner tubes to float over the waves. I had the same experience numerous times, but the scariest was I let go of the big inner tube and I was in the small inner tube and the current took me way out and I couldn’t’ touch bottom. I remember my godmother, a good swimmer swimming out to rescue me and bring me in. That was scary. Your story brought back those wonderful and also frightful memories of my favorite island,

  5. I am presently proceeding with the Spiritual exercises through Kevin O’Brien’s book, An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, anticipating completion in 4 weeks. I would then like to proceed with Holy Name of Jesus 30 day retreat. Will it still be available on line, such that I can start in a month or so?

    Thank you.

  6. I watched yesterday’s “Introduction to Retreat” and appreciated it very much – was intending to follow it through the 30 days, but I just can’t find a way of getting into it. Can you help?
    It would be much appreciated. Thank you.

  7. Fr. Thibodeaux,
    Your reflections are filled with such insight, knowledge and compassion. I have shared the link for this 30 day retreat with my six adult children. This is a wonderful gift during these “quiet” days around the globe and in our lives. Prayers for all – the virus victims, their families, the front-line responders, those making this 30 day retreat. Thank you.

  8. Dear Editor, I am sorry to learn that that those of us in India who want to join the online retreat from 24 April -25 May 20020 are not able to do so because The owner of this website (www.hnjchurch.org) has banned the country or region our IP address is in (IN) from accessing this website. Is there a possibility of making the retreat accessible to those in India.
    Thank you.

  9. Hi I would like to register for the retreat. But I’m from Singapore and the website doesn’t seem to allow me to access it.

  10. Hmm, I’ve never seen this error message yet:

    Error 1009 Ray ID: 58922ca4aebdad42 • 2020-04-24 19:19:10 UTC
    Access denied
    What happened?
    The owner of this website (www.hnjchurch.org) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (HU) from accessing this website.

    The YT channel should work though, I suppose.

  11. Seems you cannot do it in Australia.
    Error 1009 Ray ID: 58928ebf89eed6a5 • 2020-04-24 20:26:09 UTC
    Access denied
    What happened?
    The owner of this website (www.hnjchurch.org) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (AU) from accessing this website.

  12. Hi, I can’t access to this website (I’m writing from Italy). Could you please publish the retreat also from this website or contact for me the person in charge?
    I’ve copied the script of the error:
    Error 1009
    Access denied
    What happened?
    The owner of this website (www.hnjchurch.org) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (IT) from accessing this website.
    Thank you

  13. Hi Father I can’t register the At home retreat ‘Ascending with Ignatius. Can I please have another link? Thank you.

    • Norma, I think you just visit the website to get started without registration needed.

      Denise Gorss
      IgnatianSpirituality.com Editor


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