HomedotMagisReflectionsAll Creatures of Our God and King

All Creatures of Our God and King

Just opened a can of (dolphin-safe) tuna and almost drained the can into cute little bowls that I no longer have for cats who are no longer living. All three cats died within five months of one another of age-related diseases and conditions earlier this year.

I saw abundant evidence of God’s creativity and humor in those cats which, in turn, sparked mine.

Laugh and point but my tabby Thelma, of blessed memory, had an honest-to-Archangel Raphael paws-on healing ministry. Many years ago, she was featured in the lead anecdote of an article about pets and healing. No joke, she was a gifted therapeutic bodyworker who specialized in kitty shiatsu. All three — Thelma, Louise and Itty Bit — served as writing muses. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever be able to write another book without them sprawled across my keyboard.

I’ve mourned and memorialized their departure from this mortal coil. And although I’ve physically moved from the home we all shared for nearly 15 years, I still catch myself doing Cat Mommy things — like standing over the sink with a just-opened can of tuna wondering why I’m not hearing a chorus of manic meows.

Habits of the heart run deep and I thank God for this and yes, even the great ache of it.

Image: “Itty Guards the Water Supply”

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Meredith Gould
Meredith Gould
Meredith Gould, PhD, is the author of seven books, including The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days, and Every Day, Why Is There a Menorah on the Altar? Jewish Roots of Christian Worship, and The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today. She serves on the team at The Virtual Abbey and founded the Twitter chat for church social media (#chsocm).


  1. Nor are our phone conversations the same without Itty screaming in the background 🙁
    They do remain in your heart as writing muses. And I have no doubt that you’ll be able to write many more books, led by the Holy Spirit.


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