HomeIgnatian PrayerA Letter to Jesus

A Letter to Jesus

writing lettersThis post is based on Week Eight of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure.

Dear Jesus,

For the past eight weeks, we’ve been walking together in a special way. We’ve been taking the time to get to know one another more deeply, delving into the heart and soul of who I am and who you are. In my desire to get to know you better and to draw closer to God, I have been reminded of how loved and cherished I am, that I am a beloved daughter of God. God delights in me, in others, and in all of creation. Pondering this again, my heart is filled with joy!

I’m deeply aware of my sinfulness and selfishness, and of my humanity, and I want to draw closer to you. I want to open myself up to God’s grace and mercy. Come, Holy Spirit, transform my hard heart. It’s my heart’s desire that I can be a living sign of God’s love and mercy in the world.

Jesus, you have shown me how to do this concretely, in the many ways you interacted and made yourself present to those closest to you. In teaching, you shared your wisdom and knowledge in the synagogue, on the mountain, and in the public square. You visited Simon Peter’s mother-in-law, who was sick with fever, and held her hand. In so doing, you helped her up and healed her. Your touch also brought healing to the blind man and to others suffering with leprosy. When the woman who had been bleeding for years touched you, she was healed. You entered the home of outcasts and shared a meal with the tax collector Zacchaeus. You welcomed little children, placing your hands on them and blessing them. You prayed.

You questioned those in authority and remained true to yourself and to your call. You challenged those who would inflict harm disguised as an act of justice; as a woman faced being stoned to death, you drew a line in the sand and challenged any man who was without sin to throw the first stone. They all walked away. What strength you showed! What tenderness and compassion!

Jesus, I have been so inspired and moved by you—by who you are and by what you did during your days on earth. Your Resurrection, though a mystery, assures me that death does not have the final say and that I can place my hope and trust in you. It is this Good News that I’m called to share with others.

I pray that I can be a concrete sign of your love wherever I am, with whomever I’m with. When I visit my elderly neighbor to share a cup of tea and conversation, you are with us, Jesus. When I tenderly embrace a grieving friend or a child who says he has “a sore heart” (which actually happened the other day), you are there with us, Jesus. When I take the time to drop off food, blankets, clothing, and other items to my local parish or opportunity shop, I am answering your call to tend to the poor. In today’s world, making eye contact and sharing a smile with someone on the train or bus could be just what that person needs—an acknowledgement of being seen.

Jesus, you are with me in my heart, and in everything and everyone around me. May this wonderful treasure—held deep in my heart—be joyfully and freely shared with all I encounter, particularly those who need it most. This is a beautiful gift that I can offer the world!

Fiona Basile
Fiona Basilehttps://www.godisinthesilence.com/
Fiona Basile has been a writer and photographer in one guise or another for the past 18 years. She works full time as a freelancer, based in Melbourne, Australia. She is the author of Shhh...God Is in the Silence, which is the fruit of a 30-day silent retreat in which Fiona participated in 2015. ​


  1. dear jesus vance ouf arlington heights is haveing apeacemaker maker put inhim and you should go there and hold his hand soheedoesnot bee scared your friend andy

  2. Dear Jesus,
    I am facing the worst time of my life, and its because of my own fault and bad decision. I thank you Jesus for protecting me, and showing me people who are helping me. I pray to you loving Jesus to help me get out of this darkness and get my life and future back. I pray for the legal matters to go in my favor and to be separated from this party that is causing me so much pain and suffering. Let us both go our separate ways dear loving Jesus. Please forgive me and help me Jesus and I will give thanksgiving mass whenever I can.

  3. Dear HEAVENLY FATHER, bless is your name JESUS 🙏, thank you for your love, saviour, blessings, dominion you have given me, thank you for your protection 🙏 in this year 2021,as we are entering new year 2022,I pray for new opportunities, financial, love, joy and happiness in all the days of my life, hallelujah,..shalom shalom shalom

  4. Thank you. I did not feel well enough to go to mass today and my spirits were low. Reading your letter reminded me of the times I have felt such gratefulness for my relationship with God and joy in sharing this gratitude with others.

    • Hello Patty, I hope you’re feeling better of late. I’m pleased you were able to get something out of the writing – gratitude is so important for all of us! Regards, Fiona

  5. Hi
    Love the way you see the world and how you press the default button that takes us back creatively to God.Shared your insight with fellow staff who loved your writing.

    • Hi Roger, thanks for sharing my writing with fellow staff – I’m glad you can all glean some personal insights from the words. Regards, Fiona


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