I’ve been interested in prison ministry ever since I did some work for Charles Colson and Prison Fellowship some years ago. Hardly anyone gives a thought to prisoners. I admire those who do. Here is fine article about Fr. George Williams, SJ, and his ministryat San Quentin Prison in California. He says that the scriptures come alive behind bars:
Over at death row we’re talking now about the Passion of Christ. Jesus was sentenced to death and these men are sentenced to death. There are so many parallels. Being arrested, put on trial—unfairly, in Jesus’ case—and then sentenced to be executed and then being executed by the state. It’s uncanny how you hear the stories in a different light here.
Hello Kenneth
I recently became involved with prison ministry through my church. I visit two county jails, each week. In one , I do one on one spiritual counseling and in the other I do a communion service. The inmates I am dealing with are adults.
I am looking for someone who can exchange views on how to attend to spritual counselling in Prison. I have been counselling in Singapore for more than ten years and am a retiree. My boys ages varies but they all would like to know more of the Catholic Faih.
Anyone who would like to contact Kenneth can send a message to contact@ignatianspirituality.com. We will pass it along to him.