
lectio divina - search results

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Ignatian Ministries Online Retreats and Community

Becky Eldredge, author and founder and CEO of Ignatian Ministries, shares about her ministry of accompaniment: We are a retreat house that comes to you!...

Conversing with Mary Through Colloquy

There is a wonderful gem hidden within the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius that has been a grace-filled gift to my prayer life. Early...

Movement in Prayer

I sometimes want to roll my eyes when reminded that, in times of dryness in prayer, St. Ignatius guides us to double down, expand,...

Exercising with God

Sit-ups, leg lifts, and squats: how can I pray at all times when I’m supposed to be exercising? I wonder how the people in Thessalonica...

Looking Back on Prayer

We can look back on prayer in more than one way. Judge what is most helpful for you at this time. Prayer at Different Life...

The Third Method of Prayer

Ignatian prayer is not one kind of prayer; in fact, Ignatius recommends a variety of ways to pray, along with the better-known imaginative prayer....

Thanking God for the Ordinary

Editor’s note: Throughout July, we’re celebrating 31 Days with St. Ignatius, a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality. In addition to the calendar of Ignatian...

10 Ways Ignatian Spirituality Supports a Busy Life

There is no doubt that we are living a more rapid pace of life than we were even a decade ago. More than ever,...

God with Us in the Word

Becky Eldredge, author of Busy Lives & Restless Souls, recently shared a post on Listening for God in Scripture, in which she suggested praying...

Listening for God in Scripture

Recently, I made my annual silent retreat: eight days of listening for God in nature and also of God meeting me in Scripture. Each...


Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon