HomeIgnatian PrayerA Lenten Invitation from William Barry, SJ

A Lenten Invitation from William Barry, SJ

Living Lent DailyJust think about this: God, the creator of our vast universe, made each of us in his own image and likeness to be his friend and to cooperate with God in the great adventure of developing this planet. Moreover, after thousands of years of seeing how often human beings mess things up, God still delights in us so much that God became one of us in Jesus of Nazareth. God becomes as vulnerable as any one of us, and, as far as we can tell, God had no other motive than love for us. Even when human beings killed God’s Son, God did not give up on us, did not withdraw the offer of friendship. God delights in us that much.

I invite you to spend a few minutes each day of Lent with the Living Lent Daily series from Loyola Press. In these daily reflections from my writings, you will have a chance not only to ponder God’s generous offer of friendship, but also to engage in relationship with God.

Lent is a great time to give God a chance to convince you of his desire for your friendship. Traditionally Lent has been a time of engaging in practices of penance or prayer that will ready us to experience, more and more deeply, the almost unbelievable love and generosity of God toward us wayward human beings. I hope you will make the reading and prayer of Living Lent Daily a part of your Lenten journey this year.

The really nice thing about this practice is that it will not take a great deal of time from your busy day. But you will, I hope, find it enriching to spend a few minutes each day reading and communicating with God about your reactions to the day’s reflection. If you do this regularly, I can promise you that on Easter Sunday you will be on more friendly terms with God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


William A. Barry, SJ

William A. Barry, SJWilliam A. Barry, SJ, is a veteran spiritual director and popular author of books about Ignatian spirituality, including A Friendship Like No Other, Praying the Truth, and Changed Heart, Changed World.

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  1. Developing a more personal and loving relationship with God is my goal for Lent this year. It is difficult for me to delve into myself, my soul, and keep God the center of my life. I look forward to your daily messages to give me insight and things to contemplate opon with my God.

  2. I look forward to Lent and daily time to reflect on your messages. I am one who finds it difficult to believe that God loves me this much “Even when human beings killed God’s Son, God did not give up on us, did not withdraw the offer of friendship. God delights in us that much.”


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