We begin An Ignatian Prayer Adventure this week. Watch the video below for my introduction to the retreat. In order to respond to God’s love, we need to be spiritually free. May we grow in that freedom as together we experience this journey over the upcoming weeks.
This video is part of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, Week 1.
“Know thyself” is the instruction, and the self-knowledge that brings – and that it’s starting to bring in me is I’m sure a pathway to freedom. Journaling, and re-reading seems essential, without it contemplation may be incomplete. Sometimes it seems I’m on the very edge of a totally new understanding, and that knowledge is very thrilling and tantalising at the same time.
I find journaling helpful in expressing some of the baggage I carry and letting it go. Sometimes I just free write not worrying about writing or grammar or spelling, just letting the thoughts flow freely from my mind to the paper. This for me touches into my sub-conscious and it’s interesting to read back what I’ve written, but don’t hang on to those notes throw them away as part of clearing out the baggage.
My question is, Who is my spiritual director?
This ‘journaling” thing is not something I am fond of. If I just articulate to God
in my mind what was supposed to be written in the journal, will that still count as “spiritually free?”
Hi Maria. I totally understand what you mean but, I find that I can go back to my “journaling” In a week or a month, to remind me of my experience on that day. I also feel blessed that maybe I can share this experience with someone else and I’ll have plenty of notes!