HomedotMagisExamenSee Beyond the Frustrations

See Beyond the Frustrations

young woman praying outsideAt Ignitum Today, Lianna Mueller shares her experience praying the Examen:

At one point, I was regularly practicing the Examen at the end of each day. I used a journal to write down the blessings, frustrations, failings, and the ways in which I saw God operating in my daily life. Practicing the Examen helped me to find the joy woven into the many frustrations during a difficult period of my life. I was able to pinpoint certain “themes.” These recurring joys assisted me in figuring out more of what makes me tick and they also helped me to see beyond the frustrations. Praying the Examen helped me to figure out what kinds of steps I should take for the next portion of my journey.

What has been your experience praying the Examen?

If you’re new to the Examen, download a prayer card to guide your review of the day.

If you’re familiar with the prayer, find new inspiration with our Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Books.


  1. My experience with the Examen is limited as I have just started the practice. I find that my morning review is often captured by the movements of nature. Seeing God present in the rhythmic patterns outside my window. By late-afternoon, I am often in despair. How many mistakes! How many “wrong”choices! How can I say that I am following Jesus? Deeper and deeper I sink. Tears flow. Then, there is a quiet voice that begins to guide me to see that these low times were times of growth. Times of choice. Choices are where we decide whether we are going to live with integrity, practice what we preach and follow Jesus. Or…are we going to choose a path that may be more socially acceptable,more easy,but not about our Lord? We decide every moment and the Examen makes clear where we have travelled.


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