HomedotMagisExamenReimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Naming the Grace

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Naming the Grace

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip BooksIn his book, Reimagining the Ignatian Examen, Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, writes:

But the closer I grow to Christ, the more I want to share with him the seemingly insignificant things as well. I know that he’s there, in the midst of it all, and I long to tap into his presence right there in the mud and muck, the pencils and French fries of my complicated yet incredibly ordinary life.

This is why the Examen is so awesome and powerful. It brings my nitty-gritty to God and God to my nitty-gritty.

Pray with that nitty-gritty with our new Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Books. Using prayers from the new book by Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, the flip books bring the Examen to your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. Each week during July here at dotMagis we’ll share a different Examen by Thibodeaux. This week, pray Naming the Grace.

Naming the Grace

If the embedded feature doesn’t display in your e-mail or mobile device, use this link to start your prayer.


  1. I am very grateful that I was able to have this early morning inspiration to do my task. It will be my guidepost each morning as I wake up.
    God bless Fr. Thibideaux

  2. I agree with E. I need a book “in hand.” A printable version of the Flip Books would be great, especially for an old person like me who isn’t that adept at maneuvering around a computer/IPad/IPhone. Doesn’t have to be anything fancy. Please consider this. Thank you & God bless.

  3. The idea for the printable card version is great however I love being able to pray at my computer. It works well for me! Thanks for this gift!

  4. It doesn’t work well for me to pray with the computer, but I would love these on paper! Would it be possible to offer a printable version that one could print on 3×5 cards (maybe with less color to save on ink)? Then I could laminate them, punch a hole in the corner, and put them on a ring for easy portability!

  5. It is interesting that Spiritual Unfreedom can get all tied up in my life with success and failure when, in reality, these are the wrong criteria, the wrong labels. The right labels are love and all that advances the Kingdom or self centeredness and all that inhibits the growth of the Kingdom. Using these labels, one can easily see that some worldly successes, from Roe vs Wade to corporate mergers that displace workers and hurt the environment, are self-centered, and some “failures,” e.g. the Cross, advance the Kingdom.
    I can’t really relate to the virtues which enable me to distinguish between the two on the fly. Therefore, the grace for which I asked was the “prayerful pause,” the “stop and look both ways before makin’ that decision” type grace which will allow me to change gears from judging by the world’s standards of success and failure to judging by the Kingdom’s and God’s standards of advancement or harm.

  6. I am really benefitting from THE REIMAGINING THE IGNATIAN EXAMEN FLIP BOOKS. My awareness of how I am currently living my life and not being the soul being that aligns with my God-given purpose, desires and gifts has greatly increased. Specifically identifying what I most desire to work on and change in my life…matching it with the grace I need to ask God for…and connecting the whole sensory imagination tool…IS POWERFUL. Thank you.


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