HomeIgnatian PrayerPrayer Before a Meeting

Prayer Before a Meeting

It’s Monday.  Most of us have meetings to go to today or later this week.  Here is a prayer before a meeting.  It’s published on the St. Louis University Prayerbook, a site where members of the SLU community share prayers.

Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds of community. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that might affect the students, staff, faculty, alumni and friends of Saint Louis University. And continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for the pursuit of truth for the greater glory of You, and for the service of humanity. We ask these things in your name, Amen.

For other prayers on this site, see the Prayers by St. Ignatius and Others.

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Jim Manney
Jim Manneyhttps://www.jimmanneybooks.com/
Jim Manney is the author of highly praised popular books on Ignatian spirituality, including A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (about the Daily Examen) and God Finds Us (about the Spiritual Exercises). He is the compiler/editor of An Ignatian Book of Days. His latest book is What Matters Most and Why. He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.



  2. Thanks Jim. Beautiful prayer that has appeal for people from different walks of life and diverse socio-cultural backgrounds.

  3. That is a wonderful prayer short and clear. It will help me to pray and share with others as we go along. Thank you so much indeed. If it will be possible to send me more of opening and closing prayers i will be grateful.

  4. Good evening. Am humbly touched by this morning prayer before meetings. Most meetings begin with a word of prayer but at the end the members forget to thank God for successful end of the meeting. I find it strange but it is important to appreciate God even after the deliberations of the meeting.

  5. Many thanks for this prayer, I used the core of this prayer for our Women Veteran meeting this morning and added the Solemn remembrance of the events of 17 years ago. Although it fundamentally changed the sense of security in our lives, Let our hearts remain steadfast in our truths, beliefs and tenants and forge forward in the battle to save our great Nation and each others Souls!

  6. Thank you,
    I am using this as an opening prayer for our St Martin de Porres Parents and Friends Primary School Meeting in Avondale Heights,Melbourne, Australia.
    It is a beautiful prayer and shows how prayer can travel around the world.

  7. I am the chaplain of an American Legion post. I modified the prayer a little and used it for the opening of an American Legion meeting. Thanks for providing it.
    Here is my modified version:
    Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your guidance, wisdom, and support as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion; allow us to grow closer as a group and nurture the bonds that bring us together as Legion members. Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we make decisions that affect us, other veterans, and our community. Continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for Your greater glory. We ask these things in your name, Amen.

    • Thank you Frank and Jim… inspiration came from your prayers. I too was able to modify to pertain to my group’s needs.

      Heavenly Father, we come to you today asking for your wisdom and guidance as we begin this meeting. Help us to engage in meaningful discussion. Allow us to grow closer as caretakers of our community. Nurture our bonds with those that offer the same support for this ministry.
      Fill us with your grace, Lord God, as we plan for this upcoming fiscal year. May an innovative mindset inspire us to lead with a zealous spirit of service. Continue to remind us that all that we do here today, all that we accomplish, is for Your greater glory. We ask these things in your name, Amen.

  8. I find this prayer to be very powerful as it is simple, easily understood and straight to the point: it can be easily adapted to any Catholic organization, or indeed any Christian organization.

  9. Thank you for posting this prayer. I will be saying one of my first prayers for a ministery meeting and this prayer is right on time for the meeting. Be blessed!

  10. Thank you for posting this prayer. I chose this prayer because it’s well fitting for our group and really helped us enlighten our thoughts and mind.

  11. Thank you for sharing your beautiful words of prayer. I will share with my committee as we begin our mission to help a sister parish in Haiti. God Bless!

  12. Thank you for your prayer samples as I have to open our meetings in prayer now. It has helped me. Again God bless and thank you.

  13. Thank you for the great work your are doing to help others learn how to prayer effectively at the start of meetings, am amazed at how people are sending feedback. you have really helped many of us!
    keep up the good spirit of ministering to others.

  14. Am grateful for the prayer it has really helped me to plan for the prayer that am to make this Sunday. Thank you and may God bless you .

  15. Thanks for posting this prayer…… “More things are wrought by prayers than this world dreams of”………. i’ll recite this tomorrow as we begin our prayer

  16. I’m so happy to read your touching prayer….since at 3 p.m. today I will be leading an Opening Prayer for our Cooperative Board Meeting….

  17. Thank you for this prayer! Very nice… changed it up a bit to suit a meeting for today. Very thoughtful. Blessings…

  18. Thank you for a wonderful prayer ! It inspires me to pray more and to get closer to our Lord. May our good Lord continuously bless all of you !

  19. Thank you for posting such a great prayer. This will help in our meetings when chosen to lead. It is a good starting point for me who didnt know how to pray. thanks

  20. Thank you for the prayer. I make this as my guide for tomorrow’s meeting in our organization. This is powerful that I think it will enlighten their minds before the meeting.

  21. This is one of the greatest things in my life. I have just got a new job and one of the requirements is to lead a prayer in a meeting. I would not have accomplished this without a powerful prayer… Thanks

  22. It has always been said that prayer can move mountains, this prayer is a most fitting opening for our important meeting.Thank you very much!

  23. Thanks for posting this prayer. I am assigned to lead a prayer this afternoon before a meeting of non-governmental organizations. This ia well-organized prayer


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