HomeBooksIgnatian Spirituality A to Z and 31 Days with St. Ignatius

Ignatian Spirituality A to Z and 31 Days with St. Ignatius

Ignatian Spirituality A to Z - infographic headerWith Ignatian Spirituality A to Z, author Jim Manney has provided a brief, informative, and entertaining guide to key concepts of Ignatian spirituality and essential characters and events in Jesuit history. We’ve gathered a selection in the below infographic to whet your appetite.

Ignatian Spirituality A to Z infographic
(Click for larger view.)

Explore other Ignatian terms throughout July with our ninth-annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius celebration. Start with our calendar of favorite Ignatian-themed links here.

Then throughout July, dotMagis blog posts will feature a series of reflections on Ignatian themes, inspired by the list in Manney’s book. See what regular contributors and special guests like Jim Martin, SJ, Tim Muldoon, and Barbara Lee have to say about decision making, finding God in all things, pilgrimage, and more. Subscribe to dotMagis (link in sidebar) to receive posts in your inbox.

Use the hashtag #31DayswithIgnatius on your favorite social media, and share the ways you’ve been touched by St. Ignatius and the spiritual outlook that bears his name.

Ignatian Spirituality A to Z - $10 specialUse promo code 4975 to purchase your copy of Ignatian Spirituality A to Z for only $10. Shipping and handling are additional. Offer expires 8/3/18. Cannot be combined with other special offers. U.S. domestic shipping orders only.

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    • Elaine, yes, the Spiritual Exercises are in book format for those leading others through the 30-day retreat or participating in the retreat in daily life or another variation of the Exercises.

    • If I may add. The retreat in daily life is a God filled experience that can’t be read from a book. The book without the experience is like reading a book in a foreign language. You just have to jump into the experience.

  1. So thrilled to find this website and the valuable resources. Jesuits are very busy and cannot find time to come and help and for parish groups, like ours, most pastors are not familiar with Ignatian spirituality
    Thank You.

  2. I sense God as a Sculptor creating a masterpiece called Ignatius Loyola. Each strike of blade is a surprise. The final work of art cannot be rushed. All movements are part of the whole. Ignatius is to become a gift for the Church admired by all peoples in all times.


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon