HomedotMagisExamenReimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Choose Life

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Book: Choose Life

Reimagining the Ignatian Examen Flip Books

A passage from the book of Deuteronomy provides the jumping off point for Reimagining the Ignatian Examen: Choose Life. This is part of the Examen flip books series we’ve been sharing this month at dotMagis. The text is from Reimagining the Ignatian Examen by Mark E. Thibodeaux, SJ, a novice director for Jesuits in formation and an acknowledged expert on prayer and discernment. Follow the example of St. Ignatius and pray the Examen daily.

Praise, Reverence, Service

If the embedded feature doesn’t display in your e-mail or mobile device, use this link to start your prayer.


  1. Grateful for the practical guides . I have learned much from you. I thank God who has responded to my desire to do the daily examen in a better way and love Jesus more.

  2. thank you for these wise words i hope I never forget I choose God. May I keep my lenten promises to get to know him better. God bless all at Loyola Press

  3. Thank you and may God bless all of you for your love and compassion. Let pray for peace and love in our hearts, families and county. Jesus I Trust inYou. Sincerely, Pat

  4. I thank Divine Providence for this message today. I am going through a difficult time and having to choose life is being a continuous necessity for my days. Thanks for the reflection. It will surely help me tomorrow and during the following days of LENT.

  5. Very well said , there is a time when we all need to realize that we can not do it alone. We need to ask God for help and comfort.

  6. The, Choose Life, flip book spoke to me as a confirmation of what I want to do for Lent. I at times, more than I should, allow myself to get pulled into others lives. Sometimes I think they know how I will respond to what has been told to me and how I will allow it to interrupt my peace. So, for Lent I am asking the Lord for help in discerning (others, feel free to pray for me!) for when to keep silent or when offering a comment let it be in a way I feel Jesus would respond. Deuteronomy 30 about the blessings and curses made a big impact on me many years ago of how to live my life. That I had a choice to choose blessings or curses. I have learned with whom we surround ourselves may, at times, get us drawn into decisions that will bring the curses. I am rededicating myself to surrender (once again, sigh…!) to the Lord for Him to be my Counselor for each day to make decisions that will bring the blessings, not just for me, but for my family and future generations.


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