HomedotMagisReflectionsWhere Have We Not Yet Surrendered Our Lives to God?

Where Have We Not Yet Surrendered Our Lives to God?

St. Ignatius lays down his sword at Montserrat

Many of us give up something as part of a Lenten fast. Fasting helps us in our almsgiving in having more to give away to others, serves as a penitential offer for past wrongdoing, and unites us in solidarity to those who are hungry. Fasting is good, especially if we keep in mind it is a means and not an end in itself. But as we move through these days and weeks of Lent, we are called to give even more deeply: to give up aspects of our lives and even our selves to God.

Ignatius famously hung up his sword and dagger at Montserrat, near the altar of the blessed Virgin; soon afterwards, he gave away his clothes to a beggar. Ignatius’s autobiographical account has both serious and self-aware comedic tones at points. On the one hand, his sacrifices arise from a sincere heart. On the other hand, they are highly romantic. Although Ignatius lived a century before Cervantes wrote Don Quixote, one cannot help but notice certain parallels. In the autobiography, we see a knight so eager to give away his clothes that he nearly gets a poor beggar arrested. We see a man who considers whether or not to chase after a Moor on the basis of which path his donkey walks and who for a time refuses to cut his hair or his fingernails for the greater glory of God. Ignatius was perfectly willing to poke a little fun at himself and his youthful ardor. However, what becomes clear is that it is the everyday sacrifices of his life that matter more: enduring others’ opinions of him as a fool or heretic, having to send his friend Francis Xavier to the East for the sake of mission, or spending his last years working as a paper-pushing administrator so that the Society of Jesus could thrive as an organization.

In Lent, we are being asked to consider where we have not yet surrendered our lives to God, not so much by way of great, romantic gestures, but rather in concrete and practical ways. For example:

  • Do I seek to make my family’s everyday life happier rather than putting my own desires first?
  • Can I make do without some material goods, so that I can share with others who lack even the basics?
  • Can I stop dwelling on past hurts so that I can give generously here and now?
  • Do I listen when I want to speak and make room for others’ voices and dissenting opinions?
  • Am I willing to let teenage or adult children, friends, or my spouse grow in new directions, even when that means certain kinds of losses for myself?
  • Am I able to let go of any desire that exists to prop up my own sense of self, and trust that there is a deeper self beneath whose joy lies in self-gift?
Marina Berzins McCoy
Marina Berzins McCoy
Marina Berzins McCoy is a professor at Boston College, where she teaches philosophy and in the BC PULSE service-learning program. She is the author of The Ignatian Guide to Forgiveness and Wounded Heroes: Vulnerability as a Virtue in Ancient Greek Philosophy. She and her husband are the parents to two young adults and live in the Boston area.


  1. Love the reflective questions at the end. A good source of prayer for me each day of Lent. Thank you. 🙏🏻

  2. Thank you for so many insights. There is lots of food for contemplation and action here! I especially appreciate the reminder that St. Ignatius sacrificed his time in doing the administrative work that was necessary to provide for the sustainability of the Society of Jesus. We are often asked to do tasks that seem menial at the moment but are vital in the bigger picture. May we do them with joy!

  3. Thank you for the questions, I need to answer them everyday. Thank you for helping me think of the dailiness of loving God. Lent has been tough with the virus. Ihope I can find some small way yet to love God just a little bit meore and other people more.

  4. How comforting and enlightening this reflection is, esp. in these hard times, as I deal with depression and yet have the joy that comes from grace and learning more to listen to and love those closest to me and those I encounter -there are no strangers, all of us on journeys. Like that Hymn “Open my eyes Lord_I wanto see your face” and open the ears of my mind and heart & soul-help me to love like you.

  5. These are some great, thoughtful questions! I wish I could apply more of them to my own life, or were creative enough to see how they apply; I’m not yet a wife or mother and am struggling to make friends after a cross-country move, so it’s a little harder for me to set myself and my own dreams aside to bolster those of others (so much of my current prayer is devoted to asking God to help me to find those people who will walk alongside me toward Him!). I will try to be a better listener at work and when met by strangers who have something to say. Thank you for a nice reflection!

  6. This Lenten I especially wanted to get even closer to our Lord Jesus, and after ash wednesday it seemed like one tragic moment kept coming at me that left me in a not so good a place, so Thankyou for this article and questions and so happy I found this website, God Bless!

  7. Truly, there is so much more to “fast” from in Lent. There is plenty of soul searching to do! Thank you!
    Mary Franceschini

  8. Just like Jesus surrendered to do God’s will, we are called to do the same. Excellent list of questions. Thank you and God bless.

  9. It is important to put others before ourselves. Don’t worry we will not be left behind because when the Lord sees us doing this. he will reward us and give us an even greater happiness in some form . During this Lenten season giving to charity in a little way can mean so much to those in need. When God sees you doing this generous act of love and charity, you will be rewarded by him. It is also a virtuous to be able to listen intentively instead of always speaking. When you truly and earnestly listen to what others are saying. You can learn so much about the other person. It will also give you time to contemplate and reflect. Listening can be valued as a learning experience. During this Lenten season, praise not only, God, but others as well. Take the attention away from yourself and make someone else feel worthy of attention and praise.


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon