HomeIgnatian PrayerThe Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Fifth Week of Lent

The Ignatian Workout for Lent Retreat: Fifth Week of Lent

The Ignatian Workout for Lent: An Online Retreat (banner)
Jesus faced his suffering with resolve. That’s the message this week in our Ignatian Workout for Lent. Listen to Tim Muldoon’s reflection below. If you’d like, share some of your own reflections in the comments.


Lord, you know my fears and you yourself knew what it was to be afraid in the face of suffering. Send me the consolation of your Holy Spirit, so that I, too, can face my fears with resolve, knowing that I seek only to do what you ask. Grant me your grace even in those times when I cannot feel you near, and when I walk blindly in the hope that what I do is right.


Identify a goal in your life that has been on the “to do” list but which, perhaps out of fear or some other kind of resistance, you’ve been avoiding. Resolve to face it with courage. Do it today.

Learn more about the book that inspired this retreat.

Tim Muldoon
Tim Muldoon
Tim Muldoon is the author of a number of books, including The Ignatian Workout and Living Against the Grain, and teaches in the Department of Philosophy at Boston College.


  1. Thank you for a brief word of encouragement. I forwarded your message to my Adult Faith Formation class that meets on Sunday mornings before Mass. We normally discuss the Sunday Readings with emphasis on the Gospel message. We start off with what we are grateful for today. Well my discussion of gratefulness for this week is a word of encouragement from Tim…

  2. Thank you and thank God for this very helpful’ workout-for lent’ friday 12th April. I have been fearful in assisting a relative who is ill yet who insist in some very carnal and worldly behaviours That fear and my withdrawal has caused me great spiritual distress this lent. Now I an suddenly free. I can continue to assist this relative dispassionately and prayfully. Thank you for this and all you other Spirupitual Direction and may God continue to bless your ministry.
    A Blessed Easter to you.
    JIMS Barbados.

  3. Thank you Tim, always a pleasure to hear your voice and message.
    Now SYLVIA: this is for you. I have recently had a stroke; which luckily did not effect anything very much . But I was not allowed to drive for some months. I almost became a hermit! I have a ? called Orthostatic tremor(shaking, it took many years to get really bad) BUT I don’t shake when I am sitting down ; so I can still drive. Get in that car,
    call on the Holy Spirit and get going. I will be praying for you! A>M>D>G>

  4. Thank you Tim that was helpful and challenging. I haven’t driven for at least 2 years mostly out of fear as struggle with a condition called M/E. But sometimes it’s a handy excuse! Please pray that God will give me His courage to face this fear. Amen

  5. Thank you Tim. I have been really helped by you books as have the students who use the library I run for Edmund the King Spiritual Direction Centre in Lombard Street in London.
    Blessings on you,
    Mary-Ann Flood C. J.


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon