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Spiritual Conversation

men in conversationThe most basic thing human beings do together is communicate. Language helps form and maintain relationships. Jesus, in the scriptures, had deep conversations with his disciples, the Pharisees, sinners, and all those who approached him. Consider the intimate conversation with the woman at the well. This kind of spiritual conversation was very important to St. Ignatius’s mission in the Society of Jesus.

Ignatius specifically states in the Jesuit Constitutions that spiritual conversation is one of the apostolic works of the Society. This was primarily done through Confession and the Spiritual Exercises, but it was certainly not limited to that. Jesuits today reach all parts of the world and have the opportunity of engaging the people of God in spiritual conversation in many different ways. While meant to be an open door to evangelization and the Jesuit mission of “helping souls,” the call for spiritual conversation indicates Ignatius’s care for the whole person and desire to know them on a deeper level. With Jesus, conversion occurred when people had personal encounters with him through conversation. Jesus spent time with people, ate with them, chatted about matters of faith, and allowed friendships to form. After all, to be a person is to be in relationship.

But spiritual conversation is something for all people to engage in, not just Jesuits. I’ve recently begun ministry with undergraduate students, and among a few I’ve discovered a real desire for spiritual conversation. They seek deep and meaningful conversation as a way to explore their spiritual lives. Spiritual conversation opens our hearts to the journey of another. It gives us the chance to be vulnerable in our sharing. It prompts us to ask questions and to build intimate friendships.

Ignatius gave guidelines to those engaging in spiritual conversation. Don’t take sides, he said. Be considerate and kind, listen so to understand well the other person, and then be slow to speak. And like anything else, our spiritual conversation should be about glorifying God. How often do we use this basic human tool in our faith lives? We’ve all heard of “idle talk” (like gossip), that which does no benefit to anyone, let alone glorify God. Spiritual conversation, on the other hand, is about adding a new dimension of relationship and intimacy to our spiritual lives.

Andy Otto
Andy Otto
Andy Otto is an Ignatian blogger and spiritual director. He currently works in adult faith formation and retreat direction at a Jesuit parish and retreat center in Atlanta, GA, where he lives with his wife and daughter. Andy is the author of God Moments and holds a master’s degree in theology and ministry from Boston College.


  1. Spiritual conversation will always direct us to the path of God if we yield to the Holy Spirit within us. It brings unity of thought amongst us and helps us to make a better world.

  2. I was delighted to read this blog because within the last several months, I initiated a book club in which we read Fr. Jim Martin’s “The Jesuit Guide to Almost Everything”. Our gatherings are times of spiritual support & good discussion in which we realized how much we really were in need of each others support in our spiritual walk. Thank you for this affirmation.

  3. About conversation, I believe Ignatius did not push the idea of “Don’t take sides.” He knew how to not do that, but what he promoted was putting a positive spin on whatever was said. And this applied to whoever were talking together. And if one person did not get something said, or have some problem with it, they were to inquire about that subject. One might have to take a side at some point. Peace, TC sJ

  4. When I think deeply about it and am honest with myself, spiritual conversations are really the only sort of conversations I want to have with others. G-d, I miss my spiritual director!


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