HomedotMagisSpiritual ExercisesKevin O’Brien, SJ, on the Two Standards

Kevin O’Brien, SJ, on the Two Standards

An Ignatian Prayer AdventureA key meditation of the Spiritual Exercises is the meditation on the Two Standards. At this point in the Exercises we’ve reckoned with both our hopes and our failings; we’ve reckoned with our sin and also the redemptive grace, the mercy of God.

And here we’re presented with a stark contrast—The Two Standards. Which will you choose?

This video is part of An Ignatian Prayer Adventure, Week 5.


  1. Not sure who might be on this retreat trail. I appreciate that this site is available for those who would seek to follow the banner of Jesus, our Lord. Serving others in Jesus’s name by prayer and feed is a beautiful banner in itself! I know it’s what attracts me.

  2. I have learnt over and over again that the more busy I am with the demands of my profession or personal life, the more I need to dip into that place of quiet listening- that need for silence and to increase my trust in a God who is indeed involved with us totally.
    Thank you Father for reminding us of our options.

  3. I believe in the power of transparency. to be totally transparent and to live within our means having a sense of awe and of God. This in mind we can live and move and have our being in Christ Himself. I have come to a realization that I can never match up to the world’s standards. I could never have enough , be enough or want enough. oh, how much more freeing it is to live in Christ’s way–to love freely without wanting anything in return.

  4. It’s very easy to say “yes” to the standard of Jesus but very hard to do it. Especially when we are called to choose that which would bring us to our last breath in dying for a cause. Like for example, as an organizer of an urban poor in the vendors camp who is about to be ousted for city ordinance “no to vendors,” or to whatever it may cause your life to be threatened to death as public servant following a job order from the city ordinance, and in like manner, sacrificed yourself for a death you never owe in prison just because you’re fighting for justice that it may serve the life of thousand filipinos. God, if this is the cause of my death, what a happy death, i got. So be it.
    Thank you Kevin.

  5. Thank you for this video, I like the idea of “plant” by God. I needed a way to understand what God’s will is for me. I needed to move away from my faith community. This created fear, hurt, many negative feelings. Thank you Fr. O’Brien, I now can step back humbly, with the supportive community of Ignatian spiritual direction. I do not have to leave my parish to follow God’s will. God Bless

  6. Stumbled upon this video right when I needed it. As a mom with one son in college, another headed that way, and a third almost there, I find myself increasingly seeking God’s guidance for how best to serve humbly now that my boys and their activities will no longer be the focus of my everyday life. Realizing that I had gone to college with you, Fr. O’Brien, seemed like a good sign that this video was a “plant” by God. Thank you.


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