HomeSt. Ignatius Loyola11th-Annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius

11th-Annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius

31 Days with Saint Ignatius - a month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality - #31DayswithIgnatius
July is almost here, which means we’re getting ready for the 11th-annual 31 Days with St. Ignatius. This month-long celebration of Ignatian spirituality leads up to the feast day of its namesake on July 31. We’ve put together a calendar of Ignatian articles and more for you to be inspired daily.

Then, we’re taking inspiration from the title Experiencing God in the Ordinary by William A. Barry, SJ. Our regular dotMagis blog contributors and special guests will reflect on moments when they’ve encountered God in the ordinary moments of life. Look for posts from writers including Brendan McManus, SJ, Becky Eldredge, Fiona Basile, and more.

By reflecting on the ordinary moments we can experience even during a nothing-like-ordinary year, we can encourage each other in finding God.

Join in the celebration by adding your own thoughts in the comments for this or any post. Use the hashtag #31DayswithIgnatius on your favorite social media, and share the ways you’ve been touched by St. Ignatius and the spiritual outlook that bears his name.


  1. My life began to have so much more meaning during and after our men’s prayer group in a local parish. My daily prayer now is: ” Thank you, Father, Son and Holy Spirit for all thee gifts you haven givn me–from my mother’s womb up until this very day! Amen!”

  2. #31DayswithIgnatius I have been touched by Ignatius at all levels in my life. I am grateful for the spiritual direction I received when most needed. I have been capable of understanding myself as a human being as a whole. I am thankful to God, to Ignatius and all family and friends who have been supportive in my journey.

  3. On the eve of beginning to accompany a new retreatant through the 19th Annotation, this 30 days will take on a special meaning as I meet Ignatius again through ‘new’ eyes and heart.

  4. This will be my 2nd “retreat” in preparation for the celebration of the feast of St.Ignatius Loyola on July 31st. I particularly appreciate the Exam. The peace I experience at the end of the day and the hope for the coming day has been especially important to me during this time of the coronavirus.

  5. I am excited to participate in this 31 days of Ignatian Spirituality as we journey together in this time of pandemic/covid19 — Rob – happy 45 years in your married life– it caught my attention. I am here in L A and my husband got lock down in the Philippines. We are going 42 in our marriage and at this time – our relationship has shaken – Distance is so difficult – Relationship building is a challenge. We have 5 children – 3 boys, 2 girls — 3 are married and we have 4 lovely granddaughters ages 14,8,7,7. May we live up to our commitment as Catholic couples, parents, grandparents and have a fully lived retirement years living a happy, holy and healthy lives together.

  6. Looking forward to the 31 days with inspiritual material leading up to the feast day of St. Ignatius. I used the Waiting for the Spirit material Ascension to Pentecost Retreat. Inspirational. Thanks you.
    Blessings and peace, Regina

  7. I am looking forward to celebrating the postings of the many gifted writers who offer insight and encouragement to the other pilgrims on the Camino of Life. The 31 days of Ignatian Spirituality will undoubtedly inspire reflection of the Ignatian First Principal and Foundation; encourage my prayers for Enlightenment-especially needed during these times; nurture the gift of Thanksgiving; inspire a clear-eyed look at my actions (a complicated experience!); sorrow for not-choosing the more authentic route or words; and Hope for true Joy in he days ahead. Today my spouse and I have been married 45 years. Yesterday my eldest daughter asked me what is best about being a father. I think I have my personal theme for the 31 days. Peace and Thanks! Rob


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