HomeJesuit HistoryAn Ignatian Pilgrimage

An Ignatian Pilgrimage

Camino Ignaciano mapA group of lay people and Jesuits have set up a new pilgrimage route in Spain that should appeal to walkers and cyclists with an Ignatian bent. It’s called the Camino Ignaciano (the Ignatian “way” or “road”). It’s the route St. Ignatius walked in 1522 after his conversion. It begins at his family’s home in Loyola and ends in the town of Manresa, where he began to put together the book that would become the Spiritual Exercises.The route is about 340 miles long. The pilgrimage team (which includes my friend Chris Lowney) has mapped the route, divided it into 27 daily walking segments, and cataloged hostels and services along the way. All this information can be found in five languages at the website caminoignaciano.org.

Anyone who walks the route for five consecutive days in the next two years will be enrolled as a “pioneer” pilgrim.

Ten years ago I traveled this route by bus when I made an Ignatian pilgrimage. The countryside in this part of Spain is gorgeous and diverse–mountains, fertile land, rivers, even a desert. 2022 will be the 500th anniversary of Ignatius’s trek. By then the team expects the Camino Ignaciano to be well-established.

Jim Manney
Jim Manneyhttps://www.jimmanneybooks.com/
Jim Manney is the author of highly praised popular books on Ignatian spirituality, including A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer (about the Daily Examen) and God Finds Us (about the Spiritual Exercises). He is the compiler/editor of An Ignatian Book of Days. His latest book is What Matters Most and Why. He and his wife live in Ann Arbor, Michigan.


  1. Hi Jim,
    Understand you and Chris Lowney not only did the walk, but wrote a book about the Ignatian walk/retreat. Want to do it before the year ends or first quarter of 2023. Hope to have 1-3 persons join me.
    Do you know of any planning to the Ignatian way trip at any of the times mentioned?


    • Victor, please consult the Camino Ignaciano website (linked in the post above) for possible ways to connect with other pilgrims.

      Denise Gorss
      IgnatianSpirituality.com Editor

  2. I too would love to be kept upto date on how to participate in this Camino 2022 would be a good time for me to participate as well.

  3. My wife Mary and I have walked Camino Frances, SJPDP to Santiago (2013) Assisi to Rome (2014) and the Portuguese Camino from Lisbon to Santiago (2015). We have written a daily blog during our walks at candmcamino.blogspot.co.uk. In 2016 we are planning to walk the Ignatian Way.

  4. Great idea. It looks a challenge.
    I’m glad that Fran has linked to Claire’s pilgrimage.
    Her accounts so far are full of spiritual insight as well as graphic descriptions of the physical struggles involved in the journey.


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