HomeSpiritualityIf You Lose Your Way in the Fog

If You Lose Your Way in the Fog

man in fogIf the worst happens, and the fog gets so thick that you really can’t move an inch, try using these tactics:

  • Tell God, and maybe a human friend, how you feel, and ask them to pry you away from the negative force fields, even though you really want to stay where you are, in isolation.
  • Force yourself to make contact with other people; go to town, walk around the market, make yourself a meal, phone a friend, even though you don’t feel like doing any of these things.
  • Do just one thing that needs doing (perhaps some small practical task), and then enjoy the satisfaction of having done it. Give yourself a pat on the back; then look for the next “one thing.”
  • Make a deliberate effort to reach out to the need of another person, maybe someone with similar difficulties, even though you really don’t want to know about anyone else right now.
  • Pick up a project that really fired your imagination when you were in consolation. Let it refresh you with positive energy, even though you don’t actually want to do anything at all.
  • Stay with the decisions you made, the dreams you dreamed when in consolation, even though you really feel like giving up on life.
  • Remember moments of consolation when God seemed close to you, and reenact them in your mind, even though you are tempted to dismiss them.

—Excerpted from Inner Compass by Margaret Silf

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  1. Thank you. My husband passed away unexpectedly 5 months ago and still in a fog. Very difficult when you work especially with the public.

  2. Thank you very much. I have been in desolation for years now. My whole family is dead, and I am not well so I spend many hours alone at home.. Remembering the times of consolation helps me.

  3. Thank you. Today, I’m almost lost in my foggy thoughts concerning I saw indifferently in my own family. May I be cleansed thoughroughly; body and soul to be ready all the time when He comes.

  4. Thank you. I am going through a difficult time at present with a close relative who is very unwell, with a severe manic phase of a mental health condition, a time of desolation for me – remembering and being hopeful again of consolation helps me.

  5. Fantastic. This is JUST what our church needs right now. We are as a body in a time of desolation.
    How can we encourage one another to lock elbows, comfort each other, and care for one another as we grieve in so many different ways?

    • Loretta, mention of these times touches my heart, as well as the fog thoughts. It helps to know others grieve at this time as well. We don’t know each other, but we must be connected in spirit. Thank you for that.

  6. Just experienced an amazing time of consolation…. and now, came the desolation I was kinda expecting. Margaret Silf hit the nail on the head. Remembering the time of consolation has been so helpful. ❤️


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Loretta Pehanich
Marina Berzins McCoy
Tim Muldoon