HomeIgnatian PrayerPrayer with Open Hands

Prayer with Open Hands

open hands - photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash

I’m going to begin with a daring statement: many of us Christians have approached prayer more as a transaction than a conversation. I grew up with the mindset that if I behaved as God wanted me to, then God would give me what I wanted and would answer my prayers. And if I prayed “correctly”—beginning with praise, thanksgiving, and confession before making my requests—then God was more likely to answer the way I wanted. I did not grow up Catholic, so I cannot address the way Catholic children learn to think about or approach God. Yet, in conversations with people of all sorts, a couple of things are clear to me:

  • We feel that we must deserve God’s help, blessing, and love.
  • We are disappointed and sometimes angry when God does not answer our holy behavior with what we perceive to be approval or blessing.

Too often in our prayer, we do not trust God’s character but rather hope that God will negotiate, taking into account our best efforts and good intentions.

St. Ignatius would tell us that this is a very un-free kind of prayer, and it’s not the way one friend talks to another. Spiritual freedom allows us to carry on an open-ended conversation with God, who creates us and loves us always and completely. There are no negotiations and hoping against hope that God will be merciful and give us what we need. We go into the conversation trusting that God already knows our needs and will always care for us.

Prayer is a way to be with God, to dwell in that holy space of friendship. To listen and learn. To be inspired and encouraged. To rest in grace and peace.

The best image I can come up with for spiritually free prayer is the image of my own hands, relaxed and open. Open hands indicate that I am not shaking my fist in anger, wringing my hands in fear, grasping for this moment’s want, or clinging to the outcome I demand.

If I come to God in true conversation, confident that God’s love, compassion, mercy, justice, and creativity do not shift or change, then I can let go of desperation and reject my urge for negotiation. I can simply be open to holy love, desire, and purpose.

Open hands also allow me to ask for what I desire. Open hands do not get in the way of my crying out in pain or frustration. Open hands don’t stop my honesty about what life is like for me right now. Open hands don’t prevent my complaining—as even the psalmist did sometimes, “morning, noon, and night.” (Psalm 55:17)

But the posture and mood are different when my hands are open. I am not shutting down, nor am I shutting out God. I am not so focused on the thing I want that I cannot see other possibilities God is waiting to show me.

Try opening your hands physically when you pray this week. See how it feels for your body to be in this open posture. Sometimes the body can help the rest of the person shift; when I open my hands, my emotions adjust toward trust and not fear. When I open my hands, I am saying to God—and to myself—that I can now offer my gifts freely to God and receive whatever gifts God offers this moment.

Photo by Ave Calvar on Unsplash.

Vinita Hampton Wright
Vinita Hampton Wrighthttp://www.loyolapress.com/authors/vinita-hampton-wright
Vinita Hampton Wright edited books for 32 years, retiring in 2021. She has written various fiction and non-fiction books, including the novel Dwelling Places and spirituality books Days of Deepening Friendship, The Art of Spiritual Writing, Small Simple Ways: An Ignatian Daybook for Healthy Spiritual Living, and, most recently, Set the World on Fire: A 4-Week Personal Retreat with the Female Doctors of the Church. Vinita is a spiritual director and continues to facilitate retreats and write fiction and nonfiction. She lives with her husband, two dogs, and a cat in Springdale, Arkansas.


  1. Vinita, you are full of surprises! I look at you as being a source of encyclopedic knowledge of all spiritual ly-related concepts and exercises. I have relied on you when I have encountered desolation during prayer and again you have come through with this radical suggestion to pray with Open Hands! And as you make this wonderful suggestion, you also open yourself to us in such an intimate way. Vinita, this reflection was a prayer for me while also offering me a new way to pray. I’m anxious to start praying with open hands because I feel that it will release me from fears, anxiety and self-stress. I’m already feeling relaxed and imagining that I will be having a different conversation with God. Vinita, I will be praying for you in thanksgiving for all you have contributed to my spiritual life. May God’s Merciful blessings be poured upon you.

  2. Thanks, Ms. Wright for this succinct and profound reflection. You bring a lot of aspects of prayer life into play in just a few words.

    I often have to be reminded of what I already ‘know.’ My practice lags behind my understanding–that later turns out to have not understood at all!

  3. Yes freinds …OPEN hands are EMPTY hands..where everything suddenly becomes a SURPRISE..an AWARENESS… this thought came to my mind as I prayed with open hands purposefully today..Thanks a lot.

  4. I am stunned that you Vinita, was not raised a Catholic and more than surprised that you would have ever thought
    “Ask and you shall receive” was that we should / would get what we actually ask for. (RARELY it seems) I have found that I usually receive something in sometimes a very different way,. What I ask for , is not always what I really need. I will try the open hands way. I am so used to clasping my hands, except when I could get to Mass. God Bless you for the many reflections and your honesty. Times are so different now and we SEEM to have a different approach to prayer which makes it easier to Talk to God through Jesus ; as a friend. Very different to the way some of the nuns taught us, many, many years ago. (I am 84yrs) a.m.d.g.

  5. Wonderful, Vinita. I’m reading the Psalms at the moment and these beautiful poems contain praise, prayer, petition, lament and thanksgiving. Using these as my guide is healing.

  6. Palms up, palms down, and one of each all evoke different feelings in me.
    I also pray differently when my open hands are reached out in front of me, or placed upon my own heart.

  7. I tried opening up my hands and with that my heart too , it’s was difficult…but gradually I am going to get it..the attitude and desire to be more open to my lord.
    Thanks a lot dear vinitha.


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