HomedotMagisReflectionsAdvent Is My Favorite Season

Advent Is My Favorite Season

lit Advent candlesForget childlike excitement on the night before Christmas, this adult is way more enthusiastic about celebrating four weeks of Advent.

Advent is my favorite season, which is somewhat ironic because I’m not known for having much patience. I gave up baking soufflés many years ago because they required “watchful waiting.” The only houseplants I’ll buy are ones labeled as “fast growing.”

I could add more examples, but I’m sure you get the point and I want to get to this one more quickly: during Advent, I slow down to contemplate, with great wonder, the radical notion of “yes.” Advent-specific images, colors, scents and sounds help awe flow freely through body, mind and spirit.

Chez moi, Advent has its own big storage bin of stuff—special candles and wreathes; violet and Sarum blue placemats; icons of the Archangel Gabriel and images of the Annunciation. The scent of frankincense and myrrh replaces Nag Champa. “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” sung and the “O Antiphons” chanted top my play list. Magi start traveling toward a manger scene that doesn’t get set up until Christmas Eve. And, believe you me, my Magi absolutely do not arrive until Epiphany.

What’s the rush? It’s Advent!

Image by aharden under Creative Commons license.

Online Advent Experience     To journey with us in the Online Advent Experience, visit the calendar on LoyolaPress.com.

Meredith Gould
Meredith Gould
Meredith Gould, PhD, is the author of seven books, including The Catholic Home: Celebrations and Traditions for Holidays, Feast Days, and Every Day, Why Is There a Menorah on the Altar? Jewish Roots of Christian Worship, and The Word Made Fresh: Communicating Church and Faith Today. She serves on the team at The Virtual Abbey and founded the Twitter chat for church social media (#chsocm).


  1. Meredith, I can’t help but laugh with you when I read your Advent and its own storage bin, fast-growing houseplants and souffles. I, too, really need to work on my patience during this season. Thanks for the reminder.

  2. Meredith, I love it when you write for dotMagis, which is delivered to my mailbox. I always know it’s you before I get to the bottom of the page to search for your name. I LOVE following the adventures of your Magi, one of the great pleasures of this rich Advent season.

  3. Meredith,
    I began to share some of your excitement about Advent as I read your post this morning. I, like you, have little patience and yet I have a desire to be patient with others and with myself.
    Love, love, love that image of your Magi.


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