HomedotMagisReflectionsSpringtime Scents

Springtime Scents

spring flowersWe’re somewhere in the middle of spring, which here in Chicago means temperatures jumping from winter-like lows to summer-like highs.

The changing of seasons (even all within the same calendar season of spring) makes me more aware of my senses, particularly the sense of smell. Freshly mown grass and flowering plants are just two of the more obvious scents spring brings to my nose. Some people love these smells. I’m a little less enthused about some of them, knowing they bring allergies back. But still I’m aware.

Ignatian prayer invites us to be fully aware. What do we smell? is a valid question in contemplating Scripture stories. Do we breathe in the scent of the Sea of Galilee or the aroma of food from Martha’s kitchen? Do we smell the storm coming before it rages so that Jesus must calm it? Do we appreciate the scent of fish and bread as Jesus feeds the multitudes?

Smell is a powerful trigger to memory. How can the smell of the crowd bring us closer to the Gospel? Each one of us has to answer for ourselves, but I suspect that this springtime, God’s grace can trigger something within us that will make it worth taking time to notice the scents.

Denise Gorss
Denise Gorsshttp://catechistsjourney.loyolapress.com/author/deniseg/
Denise Gorss volunteers as a junior-high catechist. She appreciates the gifts of Ignatian spirituality and likes sharing various types of prayer with the young people in her groups. She enjoys seeing the world on pilgrimages and lives in the Chicago area, where she works as Web Editor at Loyola Press.


  1. Denise, how precious your insight and sharing. The supporting colourful photograph of flowers too. Lord, may we grow in a new and more fruitful awareness of the gift of our five senses, may we seek you in all things. God bless and protect you Denise as you follow His way.

    • Anne, your simple prayer here is profound—may we all grow in “fruitful awareness of the gift of our five senses.”

  2. Denise, this is a great reminder to me to be more aware and to enjoy the gift of the senses that God so generously has given to us so that we might enter into a deeper realization of the message of the Gospel. Thank you!


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