HomeSomething to Think AboutGod Is All About Balance

God Is All About Balance

sticky notesChar, a widow and grandmother who has assisted in many family medical needs lately, tells me that God is all about balance.

“My life has three main themes,” she says. “Family, volunteer work, and fun. I’m closest to God when they are all in balance. I make a to-do list every morning with subtitles: Go, Get, Do, and Call. But before I make the list, I read my devotions. Tucked into my prayer book is a clutch of ‘sticky notes’ with phrases written on them. The notes are things people have said to me, or quotes from books, classes, or sermons. There are times in my life when the to-do list is put on hold. I do what I have to do, not necessarily what’s on the list for the day. The quotes on my ‘stickies’ remind me that God is with me.”

Jane Knuth
Jane Knuth
Jane Knuth is the author of Thrift Store Saints: Meeting Jesus 25¢ at a Time and Thrift Store Graces: Finding God’s Gifts in the Midst of the Mess. She has been volunteering at the St. Vincent de Paul thrift store in Kalamazoo, Michigan, for the last 17 years. She is also a math tutor. Knuth and her husband, Dean, live in Portage, Michigan.


  1. Jane…I loved both of your books. My husband and I are fellow Vincentians in R.I. We are responsible for the food pantry and our Conference assists the less fortunate with money, food and more importantly, we give them hope.
    You’re right about life being a balancing act. It all has to be put in perspective. I try to begin the day with prayer, reflection and daily Mass. Being retired gives me the opportunity to put God first in my day.
    Thanks for the great work you do at the Thrift Store on behalf of the less fortunate. God bless!

    • God bless you, Maureen! Thank you for being a Vincentian. Dean and I have just retired this past month and we are looking forward to balancing life differently. You give me hope that this will be an great adventure.


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