HomedotMagisExamenExamen Prayer Card

Examen Prayer Card

As a gift to you, here’s a prayer card with the steps of the Examen (PDF) as described by Jim Manney in A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer.

Jim Manney in A Simple, Life-Changing Prayer.



  1. Thank you for the prayer card. I am going to use the examen prayer during Adoration to look over my 2022 year using my calendar to see where the Lord leads me. This was Jeff Cavin’s suggestion.

    • Justin, this card is available for free download. Feel free to laminate a copy for yourself.

      Denise Gorss
      IgnatianSpirituality.com Editor

  2. So happy to learn about the examen way of getting in touch with God. I am currently doing ‘Hail 15″ with my daughter and it requires you to do two times per day to pray undistracted to God and this sae day I’m catching up on last week’s lesson here and it’s abou examen. Now I have a method to use I am so grateful

  3. I am working on evangelization in my parish using the three-fold method: Encountering Christ, Growing in Christ, and Sharing Christ. There are people who have a developed relationship with the Lord, but don’t share it, others need further development, still others need to find Christ in their lives. The Examen Prayer strikes me as a great way to hit all three aspects of Evangelization because it is simple way to begin prayer, it is transformational (one starts to look for ways that God blesses us throughout the day), and once we become aware of God’s working in us, the sharing (the kerygma of Evangelization) follows.

    • Hello. I am a protestant, but I am intrigued by your methodology. Can you share a bit about your resources? Thanks much, and Blessings !

    • Hi Father Mike,
      I just saw your post.
      I wonder if I could have a chat with you.
      I’m a psychiatrist from Argentina living in Australia, Spiritual director of Ignatian Spirituality. I’m a researcher at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture in Canberra.
      I’d like to know more about your evangelisation tool and share one I developed many years ago based on Ignatian spirituality and neuroscience.
      Looking forwards to hearing from you.

  4. Thank you for sharing. I will print this for our handouts during our Retreat on March 9-11. I am interested in Spiritual Direction course on line that is free because I live on a very tight budget. God has been using me in shepherding prayer groups, and Rcia,for many years. i need more guidance and knowledge. Do you know of one? Thank you.

  5. A beautiful and helpful gift. Thank you! My brother, who was a Jesuit priest for 52 years did not share the details of the Examen with me. When I use it now I will feel closer to him.

  6. How can I get copies of these cards to hand out to the elderly in my ministry of service as a Permanent Deacon?

  7. I have the card on my laptop as background. I share the cards with the student leaders I serve in campus ministry.
    This past year, one of them asked for two replacements. Her roommate noticed hers and asked if she could have it. My young friend wanted an extra in case someone she knows wanted one.

  8. I am a spiritual director and would like to purchase copies of this prayer card to give to my dire tees. How can I get these cards?

  9. Thank you so much for this wonderful website! I have used the examen prayer for many years. I first heard of this when going to a cenacle retreat house and having a beautiful older sister as a spiritual.director. i recently purchased a book by fr. Timothy gallagher on contemplative prayer. I see him on ewtn when he does his teachings on the examen prayer. I find itvery enriching.

  10. this is wonderful. I attend a catechist retreat yesterday. The Speaker
    Margaret is such wonderful experience ignatian sprirtuality. Uplifting and fullfilling meditation by listening and contemplating. I will share the Examen to my friends.


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